Kentucky Baptist Laymen
The Kentucky Baptist Laymen
an auxiliary of General Association of Baptist In Kentucky
Rev. Dr. Michael Rice, Moderator
Bro. Tony Scisney, Kentucky State Laymen President
The Kentucky Baptist Laymen Auxiliary (KYBL) of the General Association of Baptists in Kentucky is led by President, Brother Tony Scisney.
The State Laymen execute several programs each year in support of the men and churches of the Association each year.
The KYBL is a faithful supporter and contributor to their assigned Objective, The American Baptist News.
Please stay tuned for more information:

Brother Tony Scisney, President
1st vice- Lee Graves
2nd vice Charles Washington,
3rd vice Theodore young,
4th vice Stanford Irving.
Secretary- Willie Kendrix,
Treasurer- Ron Turley,
Financial Secretary- Bobby Rice, Program Director- Kevin Ford, Historian- Glen Bradley, Photograper- Calvin Mccabe,
Executive Board Chair- Homer Gray